Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Little Miss Abby

On Memorial Day, after our long bike ride, we decided to do a little yard work. Jonathan and Hope love Abby and photograph her whenever they get their hands on the camera.

Here she is posing alittle outside, enjoying the yard and sunshine.

Memorial Day

Our family headed out to Goshen with the bikes in the back of the truck. We had one goal in mind and that was a family bike ride. We ended up taking a trail that led us on a 4 mile hike. We had a bright sunny day to just ride away. Everyone did great. Jonny had a few little breaks to stop and rest awhile but he did just fine. Since Greg took the picture of the kids and I, he had to take one of himself too right in front of the dam!! We finished the ride with a stop at "The Chief" for a few scoops of ice cream! Well worth the ride!

Sleeping Beauty

Jonathan is such a cutie pie as it is but this was too darling. He & our furry canine were taking a much needed nap when I snapped this picture. Too cute!!

May 22 Track & Field Day

Track & Field Day for our homeschoolers was held at a local college track. Hope competed in the 100 yard dash, the backwards 100 yard dash, softball throw, long jump and a relay. Everyone did such a great job. They were fabulous at encouraging one another!! The top several places received ribbons. It was a great day with wonderful weather.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our 14th Anniversary

Today is our 14th Wedding Anniversary! Wow! Where in the world has the time gone? Greg & I had a date night out for dinner. My sweetie had bought me these gorgeous roses and a Dove Chocolate bar. He definately knows the way to my heart. He received a grill. I know the way to

his! The Lord has blessed us with an extraordinary life together and we are so blessed. The next 14 years will surely fly just as fast as the first.

Livin' Inside Out Musical

On Saturday, May 17th our church had a children's musical titled "Livin' Inside Out". Both Hope and Jonathan sang in their separate choirs. Hope had a speaking part in the play. She played a sweet, timid little Sarah. She was the youngest girl in the play and was just wonderful. She and Jon both did a fabulous job. We couldn't have been more proud of our little troopers. The musical did a great job of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that many will come to know Him in a personal way because of it.

Hope the Hitter!!

We are so proud of Hope! She is doing great in baseball. Here is a little clip of her, at her last game on May 15th. Keep it up, Hopie!!

The big 1!

Sweet Alexa turned 1 on the 15th of May. She was absolutely adorable diving into her cake. I must say, I think she takes after me. Icing first and completely gone!! Here she is with her equally adorable little buddy, Maddox Brown. I think these two look precious together. Future Couple? Could be, you never know. We love you Lexie!! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baseball Season is Here

Hope is playing baseball this summer! This is a new experience for her and for us. She had her first game Monday night. She did great! Every

time she was up to bat, she had a hit! We are so proud of her! She is decked out here in her baseball duds! Her team is full of Cripes! It is going to be alot of fun watching all of the 2nd cousins play and Greg's 3 cousins are coaching them all. Hopefully they will continue to do well. They ended their first game with a 22 to 1 score. We have some BIG hitters!

I'm blooming!!

I have two gorgeous lilac bushes beside the garage that are just blooming like crazy! They are just gorgeous and the aroma is so delightful!! The Lord is the master gardener and his creativity is so profound! His works never cease to amaze me.

New glasses

We discovered that Hope is farsighted and in need of some glasses. She did a fantastic job picking out her new spec's. She got them yesterday and looks absolutely darling in them. She is darling whatever way but this just adds to her.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Psalm 128:1-4

"How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD. Who walks in His ways. When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you, Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, Your children like olive plants around your table. Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD."

Monday, May 5, 2008

Baby Bison

This is Bentley. He is a baby bison at the Cook Bison Ranch. I came across this picture after my last post and wanted to add him. His Momma died during his birth. He is so adorable and friendly. The kids were able to pet him. He is bottle fed and lives in the front yard of the people who run the ranch.

Cook's Bison Ranch

On Friday we went to Cook's Bison Ranch in Wolcottville, IN. Our homeschool group had a wonderful lesson on bison and we went out on the range to feed them. It was really fun! We had a great lunch consisting of bison burgers, chips and a drink. There was a little gift shop there with this tee-pee in front.