Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 21~Museum of Science & Industry

We ventured up to Chicago for a field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry with my parents. I had not been to the Museum in many years and lots of changes. The kids enjoyed the exhibits on: weather, the planets, the human body, traveling into a coal mine,a U-505 Submarine, and the farm. We saw a great Omnimax theater presentation on the Hubble Telescope. They were a little bored with the exhibit on genetics and cloning. But overall, they had a great time. It was amazing how fast our day flew by!

Christmas in September

We celebrated Christmas with Greg's Mom & Stepdad on the 18th of September. They were in town from Arizona. We did our celebration at the Potawatomi Zoo. We ate, laughed, played football, laughed, opened gifts, had cake, laughed, went in to the zoo, laughed, got soaked in the rain, laughed.... You see the theme here. Everyone enjoyed being together for an early Christmas...in the rain. I guess that is better than the snow!

Dinner with Grandpa & Grandma

Here are the kids with Grandpa & Grandma at Applebee's for dinner!

September School Projects

Yes folks, school is in full swing! Hope has entered the 5th grade. Jonathan has entered the 2nd grade. We decided to keep on homeschooling. We love being together and I love seeing the lightbulb click on and light up over my kiddos' heads!
They are doing Astronomy for Science this year. They made a great model of the planets (yes, we did include the Dwarf Planet, Pluto). It is hanging in our hallway as a reminder that our Gracious Creator God holds everything all together!

August Salsa

Ok, so what do you get with a garden full of tomatoes, jalepenos, green peppers, and cilantro? Well, you add a little onion salt, lime juice and voila......salsa!