Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! How blessed we are! We are blessed not only with freedom, religious freedom, a comfortable home, clean water, lots of food at our disposal, nice vehicles to take us wherever and whenever we want to get up and go, clothing, good health, amazing kids, family, great caring friends, education, jobs but also with the mere fact of an Awesome Creator that is crazy about us. He loves and longs for that relationship that deepens, grows and blooms into close daily fellowship! I marvel at how He loves us. I am in awe of how He invites us to walk with Him daily in this great big adventure called life. But am speechless when I think how much He has prepared for those who love Him, in Heaven for all eternity!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


These beauties showed up one day via the flower shop! The yellow one was for Jonny. The peach one was for Hope. And the red dozen were for me. These were compliments of our adoring Daddy and Husband. We love his gestures of love!

Our Random Kids

One of the greatest things for me in homeschooling is the fact that our two kids are the best of friends. Yes, they do annoy each other and on occasion they do fight. But for the most part, they are always coming up with some form of entertainment together. They build forts together, play all sorts of crazy things, sumo wrestle and miss the other when they are gone overnight somewhere. Jonathan is a very protective yet tender brother. He cares very deeply for his sister. His sensitivily goes very deep, like his Daddy. When Hope's feelings are hurt, his are hurt. Hope is a very nurturing sister. She definately knows how to be a "Mother" to Jon. She looks after him and tries to lovingly correct him. She wants what is best for him. She is extremely affectionate, something she does get from her Mommy. But most importantly they both are growing in love and servanthood toward one another.
John 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Shed is Finished!!!

Here is the finished garden shed that Greg has been working on! I think it is absolutely wonderful. All my garden tools will love having a home of their own. They were starting to really take over the garage and need their own space. Can you picture window boxes full of flowers next summer? I can picture it already! We have some landscaping plans that involve that pile of paving bricks in the background. My parents think it is such a well-made shed...we've been calling it their future condo!!

Happy 49th Birthday Gay!!

My sister will be turning 49 years old on Nov. 4. We celebrated a little early this year since my parents leave for Florida a little early. She enjoyed a meal out, a Dairy Queen cake and of course gifts. Happy Birthday Gay!!

The Fantasy Fashion Farm~October 28, 2010

Our home school group took a little trip to Ligioner. We visited the Fantasy Fashion Farm. This place has been in business for over 38 years! They make characters out of pumpkins and gourds. Quite cute! I remember eating at the resturant they have there with Greg's Grandpa when we were first married!! It was fun to bring my kids there. We went on a hayride, went thru a corn maze and hay maze,and had a snack. My parents joined us before heading off to the warm climate of Florida.