Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Pruning of the Pear Tree

I have a pear tree in my yard that got its first official pruning ,in I don't know how long ,if ever. My father-in-law so generously and kindly came to my rescue. I didn't know how to prune a pear tree but knew if I wanted my tree to bear more fruit it needed to happen. You can see by the pile of branches in the background, it got a major pruning!
I am very hopeful that this will be a great year of pears and pearsauce!!

Upwards came to an end

Jonny's Upwards basketball season has come to an end. He really enjoyed his team and had a great coach this year. His whole team showed such great improvement this year. Way to go Jonny!!

4H Dairy Feeder Calf

Hope is going to be showing a Dairy Feeder Calf for 4-H this year. This is her pick of the litter. #232 aka "Sizzler". We are blessed to be able to keep it at a friend's farm. Hope goes over to take care of it along with other chores, several times a week. She and her little buddy, Lane, love to feed the "calfies" as they call them. I think Hope shows great potential to be a farmer or a vet! She has such a love for animals. The hard work is really building a great work ethic in her. I'm not sure that the auction after the fair will be untearful!