Friday, April 22, 2011

Sunday is a comin'

As I colored Easter eggs with the kids today, I was a bit overwhelmed with the beauty of spring. Simple white eggs one moment & beautiful pastel colors the next, emerging with such little effort. Those closest to us know that after what seems like an extremely long & painful winter; spring is coming! God simply paints effortlessly the beauty of spring. The soothing song of the robin early in the morning, the lilies peeking their green stalks out of the ground, the smell of hyacinth, and the freshness of new growth and life.

Good Friday is only good because of Resurrection Sunday!! My Savior dying an excruciating death on a rugged cross for my sins. He may very well be your Savior too but I like to make it very personal. He is mine. He wasn't always. But since September 1992 He is mine. Each and every year since that date I think about what He did for me, thinking of me. The new life He gave as He conquered sin and death. Rising from the dead, He completely justified me once and forever more.

So this Easter I am once again celebrating that "Sunday is a comin'"! Winter doesn't last forever. Pain & suffering do end. Life isn't made up of just valley experiences. Spring is coming. New life. New lives because of Jesus. Thank you my precious Jesus, you are enough.