Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Blond Haired Blue Eyed kids!

These two are my other kids!! This is Alexa & Austin. I watch these adorable little ones every week for Greg's cousin, Heather (she is also my dear friend). They have captured my heart and Hope & Jonny's. We have a great time together on Tuesdays!

Happy 1st Birthday Abby!!!

It is Abby's Birthday today!! She is 1year old or 7 in dog years. She received this delicious rawhide (yuck) bone! It has been devoured today. I think she feels just a tad bit older and more mature. She is such a trip!! She's sitting up like a pretty girl! We almost went for the party hat but thought she would be way too embarrassed for that. Happy Birthday girl! We love you so much you hairy little blond!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Psalm 34:8

"O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!"

Gym Day

Our homeschool group gets together once a month for Gym Day. We played, ran, played, ran, and ran out of breath. We have a great group of Moms who have very creative games (thanks Shari, Kelly, Pam, Tammy, and Cindy)! My legs are still sore!

Science Project on The Water Cycle

Last Monday, Hope went to Oxbow County Park and learned all about the Water Cycle. This is a program designed for Homeschooled kids by one of the parks Naturalist. The kids get great hands on learning and have a wonderful time together. We

did our own little experiment at home with some white carnations. We put the carnations in a jar of water with blue food coloring in it. Within an hour, they were slightly tinted blue. And after 24 hours, the above is the end result. It was neat to see how whatever the color of water, it is transported up the stem to the petals. Way to go Hope!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Break 2008

Ok, since we took our vacation in Feb. , we did not take an official "spring break". But we did manage to have a little fun and pamper ourselves alittle. We had a girls night out. My dear friend Lora and I took our little ladies out for dinner then we had manicures and pedicures!! Whoa!! I must say this was my first ever and definately not the last! I can't speak Vietnamese but I think we were talked about by our friendly little nail artists. Hope and Hannah had the cutest little toes and fingernails I have ever seen. They are little ladies!! We had to end the evening with something a little sweet....so Frosty's for the girls. Not the Mom's, we ran out of $!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hug me more!!

Alright, I have to put in a picture that the kids snapped. It is a great reminder to them that Mommy & Daddy love each other so much!! The kids love to use the camera but most of the pictures are of half something's. This one was good and centered, of course we posed a little!!

Jonny the snowboarder!!

This was at a gym day this winter for our homeschooling group. Jonny thought he would try his hand at snowboarding. He did really well. As you can see he has his hands ready for lift off!!

Upwards Basketball

This winter Hope played Upwards Basketball. Greg helped coach her team. She has a real desire to play basketball like her Daddy. This is a picture of her with her dear friend Tori who was also on her team. They had a great time together. The were so competitive scrimmaging against each other but always laughed and encouraged each other. They were a real delight to watch! Keep it up, girls!!!

Girls Day Out

On friday a group of friends went to a discount food store and did some bargain-hunting. We then went to" Christine's" tea house in Bremen for a wonderful tea party. It was such a treat. The goodies were absolutely delicious!! From left to right are: Tammy W., Connie C., Shawn S., Kelly Y., and me. We had a great time just hanging out and laughing. We will have to do it again sometime.

The owner has a unique little house for tea parties! What a fun time to be with a group of special friends.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter Sunday!!

He is Risen!!! Hallelujah!!! Easter Sunday is such a special time for us!! We love to celebrate the risen Lord!! We were decked out in yellow. All color coordinating, the first time, and maybe last. It is not an easy task I might add. We spent the afternoon with Greg's dad and step mom and his step siblings hunting eggs in the living room.

Can't keep them out

The kids love our bathtub. We had to lay down some ground rules that they could only use our bathroom once a week but their other baths happen in their tub. They got a little carried away with the bubbles but it made a darling picture. Quite frankly, I enjoy it immensely!! Calgon take me away!!

Home Sweet Home

The Lord has provided a wonderful place for us to call "Home". After 3 years of living in my parents' basement apartment we now call 60854 Ridgepoint Ct. our home. We are so thankful and feel very blessed. The kids have a great back yard and we have ROOM. We moved in right after our vacation to Kalahari, the middle of February. We are so enjoying it.

Our Vacation to Kalahari

We had a fabulous time in Ohio at an indoor waterpark called Kalahari. I would highly recommend it to everyone. We had a blast. Jonathan and Hope were so waterlogged! They so much enjoy the water. This was a little vacation for us in February. Great food, excellent water activities and a whole lotta family fun. We are thinking this might be our annual winter thing!! Our kids really enjoy each other which we are so thankful for. They even hug without being asked to.

Season's Greetings

These are pictures of Tammy's family. We were together on Christmas Day. Her sister Jody and new husband were married this winter. Her parents winter in FL and her sister Gay lives in an apartment in Elkhart.

Christmas with Family

Hope played a little piano for us at Grandma & Grandpa Cripes. She has been taking lessons since summer and has gotten pretty good. She enjoys it and wish I could play. Never too late to learn, I guess.

This was a little snap shot at the big Cripe Christmas! As you can tell we are all very serious and we do not cut loose and have any laughs!! It was a riot to see all these cuties!!

Unfortunately, we didn't have any for the adults. Maybe next year. It was such a blessing to get together and celebrate the real reason for the season, our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.

Christmas Time!

This is Jonathan, Hope and the adorable Abby in front of our little Christmas tree. We had a wonderful Christmas!! Jonathan turned 5 on the 3rd of December. Hope turned 8 soon after on January 14. Abby will be 1 at the end of April.

World's Worst Blogger!!!

Ok, here it is April and I have not posted anything since November!! I could say that I have taken a little time off to do some serious soul searching and have had a remarkable recovery but I know you wouldn't believe me. The truth of the matter is that we had dial-up and it took wwwaaaayyyyy to long to download so out of pure frustration....I gave up. But I am back!!! And I am armed with DSL!!! So let me update you a bit. We will start with Christmas and move to the present. Bear with me.