Saturday, June 21, 2008

Psalm 119:11 "Your word, I have hid in my heart so that I might not sin against thee."

Thursday, June 19

We had a 80th Birthday celebration for Grandma Juday. She is such an inspiration to us on living life well. Grandpa Juday loves his dear wife of 61 years. I had to capture this mega kiss on film. They are so precious!! Thank you both for being such godly examples to us!

Adventures with JD- June 16

Jonny & I have these little "adventures" we go on at Oxbow Park once a month. Hope has a class she takes while JD & I have time together. This month we were hiking and finding imaginary bears. Jonny escorted me by the river, thru the woods, up a tower and by the beautiful flowers. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our adventure with my brave little man. He's the best!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Gettin' Together

For a Father's Day get together, we met at Troy & Kori's house for a little cook out.

Hope got to brush "Little Bit" their donkey and Jonny rode the 3 wheeler. We had a fun time.

June 15-Father's Day

On Sunday we went out to lunch with Greg's Mom, Jane, to Red Lobster. I am so blessed to have such a fabulous husband. He is the best Daddy to his kids. Happy Father's Day, Greg!! Thank you for being such a godly man!

Notre Dame Basketball Camp

June 9-12 Hope and a few friends of hers attended the University of Notre Dame for a basketball camp that was hosted by various players of different Universities. Hope had the priviledge of being coached by Becca who plays for Notre Dame. There is a picture of the two of them and also a picture of Hope with Coach Muffet McGraw. She, Savannah, Tori, and Shaylee had a fun time. Notre Dame has a beautiful campus and I had the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful weather outside.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Greg & Kyle Cripe

Greg helped his cousin with his landscaping and gave his son, Kyle a ride on the bobcat. They moved alot of stone and got a lot done in an afternoon.

June 2, 2008

This is my cousin's kids from Denver, CO and also from Columbus, OH. We usually get to visit once or twice a year and all the kids are pretty close in age. We meet at my Aunt & Uncle's in Coldwater, Michigan.

Flowers picked by Hope

This is a lovely bundle of flowers Miss

Hope picked for me while out in the woods

with her Daddy.

May 31, 2008- Gaither Concert with the Yoders

We went to a Gaither Concert in Grand Rapids, Michigan with our dear friends Scott & Kelly Yoder. We are both lovers of great Christian music and Scott's parents (who are big-time Gaither fans) graciously gave us tickets. We had a great time singing, laughing, and just fellowshipping.