Friday, September 12, 2008

Dominican Republic Countdown

We are anxiously counting down until Greg & I leave for the D.R!! We are starting to get packed and get ready!! Pray for us and our group as we serve the people of the Dominican and share the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Monarch Crystalis

We have some friends that homeschool and they were raising Monarch's. We were able to go over and see one come out of its crystalis. Way cool!!! They had 10 all together. Hope & Jon enjoyed seeing the Lord's amazing handywork!!

Front Yard Fort

September brings many things to our little family, but the kids will be sad when the weather gets cooler and the days of forts in the front yard come to an end . Here they are enjoying the great outdoors under the front tree!

Labor Day Weekend Camping

For the past couple of years, we have been camping with family on Labor Day Weekend. We always have a blast! WE tent it, while others in the fam have trailers. It is such a great time of fun and fellowship. The camping crew is as follows:Al & Mary with granddaughter Riley, Cal & Kendra, Heather & Kevin with Austin & Alexa, Christine with Ethan & Calvin, Philip & Crystal with Cole, Clint & Kristy with Bailey, and Greg & Tammy with Hope & Jon& Abby. We have a few extras show up here and there for dinner or some games. We relax, eat, relax, eat some more and pretty much follow that routine. Til next year, Twin Mills!!