Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween October 31, 2008

We take our kids to visit family's houses on Halloween. Our kids know that Halloween can be used in a negative way but we chose to use it for good. They have to dress up as something good. Hope chose to be a sweet little Amish girl this year. We have Amish friends that own a store and they helped us out with getting all the things needed to make her dress. Jon was a nice Batman. He is keeping with the super-hero theme. We have covered Superman, Spiderman, and now Batman. Who knows what next year will be! I am hoping that the "Incredibles" will make an appearance in the whole family but that has been too many years on the back burner.

Austin's 4th Birthday Party

Our little buddy, Austin Walter, turned the big 4! He had a John Deere party with family and friends. Jonny, Hope & Austin are with Brendon & Riley Brown and Luke Walter goofing off in this picture at the party. Happy 4th Birthday Buddy!