Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9th

Greg left for the Dominican Republic this morning. We have been praying for close to 4 years about the Highlands Sports Complex and being part of it's ministry in the DR. Greg is there to pray and seek the face of God on our next step or lack of. We really want His direction and will. I am excited! Pray with us as I know that he will return with an answer from the Lord.

"Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hope's birthday~ February 3

I know that many of you are saying, "What? Hope just had a birthday last month!" Yes, she did. But we celebrate spiritual birthdays at our house. We believe that birth dates are very important but just as important is the date when we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior! Hope requested a nice batch of brownies with a candle for her spiritual birthday celebration. Although Hope is 9 years old, she is celebrating her 5th year as a born-again believer. We are so proud of her and we pray that she will continue to walk with the Lord all the days of her life. Keep growing and serving, Miss Hope!! We love you!! We thank the Lord for lending you to us.

The South Bend Chocolate Company & Studebaker Museum

Homeschooling is so much fun! It is especially fun when chocolate is involved! We took a field trip with our homeschooling group to the South Bend Chocolate Company & to the Studebaker Museum. At the Chocolate Company we had to wear these cute little hair nets. Jon was not fond of his, at all. We dipped our very own chocolate spoons. We toured the factory and had some samples (hard job but someone had to do it). It was a great time. We then headed to McDonald's for lunch. We then went to the Studebaker museum in South Bend. The boys thought it was the bomb. We had a guided tour and learned alot about the Automobile maker. We will definately go back to both of these places!