Monday, November 23, 2009

Gym Day~November 19, 2009

Our homeschooling group does a gym day, once a month. This month we headed off to Maple City Bowling in Goshen and tore up the alley! The kids had a blast and did great! Of course, they were able to use the bumpers so they scored quite well! They will be asking for another bowling day in the near future, I am sure!

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 10, 2009

On Tuesday, we celebrated Jonathan's spiritual birthday. It is a big deal in our house. We celebrate the date when we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord of our life and Savior from the penalty of sin. This was Jon's special date. He requested cupcakes with buttercream frosting. Yummy! Good choice, buddy. We sing "Happy Spiritual Birthday to You". We are so proud that both of our children have received Christ as their Savior at a young age. It is our prayer that they will continue to walk with the Lord all of their days.
Jonny, I admire you in so many ways. You teach me something new everyday. Your contagious smile and laughter fill our home with constant joy. Your simple faith in Christ is profound. If God says it, that settles it, you believe it. Stay strong in the Lord and continue to grow in His grace and knowledge. Walk closely with Him!! We love you so much!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

70s night

We had a disco blast at our house in celebration of our dear friend, Joe's, 45th birthday. We thought it would be a great idea to surprise he and his wife with a 70s party. We all dressed up in 70s garb and found a disco ball, 70s music and had a hysterical time. We picked some hideous outfits out for Joe & Jenny too, so they wouldn't feel left out. We had a riot playing the "guess that theme song" from tv shows of the era. The supremes showed up, a Charlie's angel, along with some disco divas and kings! The lava lamps, disco ball, sideburns, polyester, and wigs made the evening a memory to always remember!

November 4th~Gay's Birthday

We celebrated my sister, Gay's 48th Birthday at a local Hacienda Restaurant with family and a few friends. It is always good for us to get together but considering Gay's alzheimers is getting much worse, this may have been our last public celebration. It is increasingly more difficult to get her to transition calmly from one place to another without causing a scene. It all depends on the day. We may resort to small family meals at home. We are thankful for the times we have with her and continue to ask the Lord to bless her with health.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treatin'

October 31st meant trick or treatin' for our two kiddos. This year Jonathan was an Indianapolis Colts football player and Hope was a Cowgirl. They enjoy the 6-7 houses that we visit belonging to family members stretched from one end of the county to the next. They come home with lots of treats to share with Mom & Dad. They have a taste for Reese's Cups like their parents so it is a happy night for all in our house!