Monday, March 15, 2010

Yikes! Blogging has taken a backseat!

I am sitting in very sunny southwest Florida, enjoying the peace and quiet of a moment. (a rarity) I have not blogged since Hope's birthday! I have a lot of pictures to share of all the happenings of February and March but they are in Indiana so I am out of luck today.

Like I said, we are in Florida enjoying the sunshine and the warmth. Since we have been here we have had a car accident (PTL~Greg & Jonny were fine but our car was not!), seen lots of alligators, walked the beach, swam in the pool, visited with old friends, hunted for jobs, and have had our fair share of shrimp. We needed some time to take a deep breath and get a new, fresh outlook on life. We are opening the next chapter of our lives in hopes that it will bring another opportunity for us to better serve our Lord and Savior. Could it be in southwest Florida? Could it be in Northern Indiana? Could it be in a foreign country? Your guess is just as good as ours. We are praying. We are seeking. We are knocking. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and love. Both of which, are ever visible.

"Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been proved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12