Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Morel Mushrooms!!

Greg loves to go mushroom hunting! This is a sample of what he & Hope found on an outing!

Fair Oaks Dairy Farm

Our homeschooling group took a field trip down to Fair Oaks Dairy Farm. It was a two hour drive to get to this LARGE (30,000 cows) farm. We were able to see them milk, feed, and give birth. We were fortunate to see 3 calves being born while we were there. It was amazing to see how much goes into the running of this big business. They have a 3-D theater that goes thru the milking process and the making of the products that they produce. Very informative and fun! We hope to return again some time soon.

Tree sling

Our front tree is the forever haven of my very industrious kids. They decided it would be fun to put a sling for them to lay in, right there, on the branch. Who could say no!

Easter 2010~March 4, 2010

I love when my family gets all dressed up! This one is Easter morning, kids with their new Bibles, ready to hear our dear friend, Pastor Yoder, give a great message at his church. A family picture taken with the handy-dandy timer. The next few are of the kids Easter Egg hunting at Grandma's house. The kids received these great punching balloons that could be worn as hats as one of their treats from Grandma.