Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Matthew West Concert~ Oct. 25, 2010

Jonathan, Hope & Matthew West
Jonathan's autographed guitar
Josh Wilson & Jonny Diaz
Hope & McKenzie
Austin & Jon

We had a rockin' time with our friends the Reads at the Matthew West, Josh Wilson, and Jonny Diaz concert! Our kids love Matthew West's music and it was a real thrill for them to meet him in person. Jonathan was able to get his guitar autographed by Matthew. What a blessing to be able to not only hear some fantastic musical talent from all of these guys but also get up-close and talk with them after the concert. We had some laughs and encouraged these down to earth guys to stay in the Word & walk closely with their Savior.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Rainbows and promises....

Genesis 9:13 "I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."
Revelation 4:3 "And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald."

Friday, October 22, 2010

Secret Keep Girl~ Ft. Wayne, IN

On Thursday night, we joined some friends and went to Ft. Wayne for a "Secret Keeper Girl" event! For those of you who may not be familiar with SKG, it is a fantastic ministry headed by Dannah Gresh, that focuses on True Beauty and Modesty from a biblical perspective. We had a wonderful time being reminded that we are a "masterpiece created by God". Unfortunately, our culture does not embrace this and the clothing industry does little to help us in the area of modesty but SKG uses the bible as its guide and has wonderful resources available. Thru music, games and a fashion show, we spent time in God's Word. What a blessing it was to us! Hope & I cried tears of joy as we saw many sweet little gals come to know for the first time, Jesus as their Savior and King!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I planted this bush on the side of our house this summer and it has constantly been blooming!

"And the LORD will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and your will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail." Isaiah 58:11


Our church had a Harvest Party. It was a party!!! Not only were there games for the kids, tons of food, hayride, but also "Crossroads has Talent"!! I didn't take many pictures of all the talent but snapped one of our Pastor and his trumpet! We had 16 different acts ranging from singing, gymnastics, different instruments, Tae Kwon Do, comedy, dancing and lip-syncing. It was so much fun to meet so many people with a vast array of talent! Positively....one of the best Harvest Parties I have ever been to!!!!

The Princess and her Slaves

Jonny & Owen got more than they bargained for when they decided to be the ones pulling Hope's Chariot!!


My garden

Ok, I neglected to put this post on when Greg was starting the shed. Maybe, I didn't want to gross any of you city people out! Yes, I hauled two truck loads of cow manure on my garden while my dear husband was hammering away. Hope graciously helped shovel one whole truck-load and then a friend came over to play. While I was outside basking in the aroma of cow poop, Hope and Hannah were inside cleaning my house!!! These two sweethearts not only cleaned but also made a delicious pumpkin dessert!! I wanted to kiss and hug them both but they said I stunk!!


Here are a few more pics of the shed progression! It is roofed and ready for siding!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our Saturday was a busy one. Greg started to build a shed in the back yard. Since we are finishing the garage we needed someplace to put all of our yard tools and the lawnmower. Greg started out with the limestone, then the skids, then the floor, then the walls, then the roof and lean-to. It is really coming along fast.

Science Project...Mercury

The kids are studying Astromony for science this year. They made this great model of the planet Mercury from flour, salt, and water. They put the craters in with rocks and both ends of a pencil. Good job kiddos!!

More Projects.....

These are pictures of the attic stairs that Greg put in the garage while we were insulating.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weekend Project

Greg & I spent the day Saturday, insulating the garage. Now, how romantic is that! We do have fun working side by side. That is one check mark beside the many projects we have on our house list! Another one down!!

Fall Party~October 1

giving instructions
thinking about using one finger
going for it with her teeth!

Fall brings with it lots of Fall Parties!!! I love getting together with family & friends and just hanging out, doing life together, laughing and having a good time. Some dear, precious friends of ours had a Fall Party for their boys. Here are a few pics of the "bobin' for apples". It was fun just sitting by the campfire and talking!