Saturday, May 14, 2011

Big Mack

Unfortunately, Hope's first dairy feeder calf for 4-H was not doing very well (we think he was retarded). So here is her new one named "Big Mack". She and her dear friend Mackenzie were at the fairgrounds with "Big Mack" for weigh-in. He weighed in at 177 lbs. There is about 11 weeks lefts until the fair starts. That is plenty of time for "Big Mack" to bulk up with some weight and muscle. Hope will too!!

Mark 13:26

"Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory."

Easter pictures

Easter is always a good time to update those family pictures ,especially when everyone is dressed nicely! I love this one of Hope & Jonny and also the one of Greg & I. It's funny as I get older I take more pics of the kids and fewer pictures of Greg & I. I always say to myself that I wished I had pictures of just Greg & I. No better time than the present to start snapping pictures.

We spent some time Easter afternoon at Greg's Dad & stepmom's. The other cute kiddos in the pics are Hope & Jonny's cousins : Kyla, Brayden, and Jett. They hunted for Easter Eggs together after lunch.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sunday is a comin'

As I colored Easter eggs with the kids today, I was a bit overwhelmed with the beauty of spring. Simple white eggs one moment & beautiful pastel colors the next, emerging with such little effort. Those closest to us know that after what seems like an extremely long & painful winter; spring is coming! God simply paints effortlessly the beauty of spring. The soothing song of the robin early in the morning, the lilies peeking their green stalks out of the ground, the smell of hyacinth, and the freshness of new growth and life.

Good Friday is only good because of Resurrection Sunday!! My Savior dying an excruciating death on a rugged cross for my sins. He may very well be your Savior too but I like to make it very personal. He is mine. He wasn't always. But since September 1992 He is mine. Each and every year since that date I think about what He did for me, thinking of me. The new life He gave as He conquered sin and death. Rising from the dead, He completely justified me once and forever more.

So this Easter I am once again celebrating that "Sunday is a comin'"! Winter doesn't last forever. Pain & suffering do end. Life isn't made up of just valley experiences. Spring is coming. New life. New lives because of Jesus. Thank you my precious Jesus, you are enough.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Pruning of the Pear Tree

I have a pear tree in my yard that got its first official pruning ,in I don't know how long ,if ever. My father-in-law so generously and kindly came to my rescue. I didn't know how to prune a pear tree but knew if I wanted my tree to bear more fruit it needed to happen. You can see by the pile of branches in the background, it got a major pruning!
I am very hopeful that this will be a great year of pears and pearsauce!!

Upwards came to an end

Jonny's Upwards basketball season has come to an end. He really enjoyed his team and had a great coach this year. His whole team showed such great improvement this year. Way to go Jonny!!

4H Dairy Feeder Calf

Hope is going to be showing a Dairy Feeder Calf for 4-H this year. This is her pick of the litter. #232 aka "Sizzler". We are blessed to be able to keep it at a friend's farm. Hope goes over to take care of it along with other chores, several times a week. She and her little buddy, Lane, love to feed the "calfies" as they call them. I think Hope shows great potential to be a farmer or a vet! She has such a love for animals. The hard work is really building a great work ethic in her. I'm not sure that the auction after the fair will be untearful!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Upwards Basketball~February 19, 2011

Jonny is playing "Upwards" basketball this year. I just happened to be filming this little bit today at his game and jackpot....a basket. Yes, it is hard to see, but that is Jonny that shot the basket. He is doing great! I am so proud of him. He has a great team and coach! Go Bobcats!!!

February's Blue Skies

After what seemed like a long time, the snow has finally all melted, the sun is out and shining and the sky is blue.

The Natives are Restless!

The kids have gotten restless with the blizzard conditions!

Blizzard 2011

Fire Station Field Trip~January 20

The kids enjoyed a great field trip to a local fire station in Mishawaka.

Happy 11th Birthday Hope Elizabeth

January has come & gone but here is a few pics from Hope's birthday on the 14th of January. She had a dear, special friend over for the night and they played the Wii, ate cake, watched a movie and all the other fun stuff you do when you are 11 years old. Time has flown by and it is so hard for me to fathom that my baby girl is now 11! She was surprised by the new bike she received from us. Hope is such a sweetie. She has such a tender-heart and quite the sense of humor! She has a wonderful intuition that is far beyond her years, good judgement, and a sparkle in her eye. Her smile melts my heart and gives me great joy. Happy Birthday Peach! We love you so much!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beautiful Winter

This is a most beautiful scene in our backyard early Sunday morning.

New Years Eve

Anyone who knows us and knows us well can attest to one thing....we love to laugh. That is what we did on New Years Eve. We got together with some old and some new friends and played games & laughed! By the end of the night you couldn't tell which were old and which were new. They're all just family.

More Christmas.....

Our Christmas get togethers last thru the end of the year! I am missing a few family members bacause the photographer was not on her toes that night!

Luke 2

Christmas 2010

Some pictures of our Christmas family activities and highlights! We finished 2010 being so thankful for the life that God has given us by the gift of His own Son, Jesus Christ.