Saturday, February 19, 2011

Upwards Basketball~February 19, 2011

Jonny is playing "Upwards" basketball this year. I just happened to be filming this little bit today at his game and jackpot....a basket. Yes, it is hard to see, but that is Jonny that shot the basket. He is doing great! I am so proud of him. He has a great team and coach! Go Bobcats!!!

February's Blue Skies

After what seemed like a long time, the snow has finally all melted, the sun is out and shining and the sky is blue.

The Natives are Restless!

The kids have gotten restless with the blizzard conditions!

Blizzard 2011

Fire Station Field Trip~January 20

The kids enjoyed a great field trip to a local fire station in Mishawaka.

Happy 11th Birthday Hope Elizabeth

January has come & gone but here is a few pics from Hope's birthday on the 14th of January. She had a dear, special friend over for the night and they played the Wii, ate cake, watched a movie and all the other fun stuff you do when you are 11 years old. Time has flown by and it is so hard for me to fathom that my baby girl is now 11! She was surprised by the new bike she received from us. Hope is such a sweetie. She has such a tender-heart and quite the sense of humor! She has a wonderful intuition that is far beyond her years, good judgement, and a sparkle in her eye. Her smile melts my heart and gives me great joy. Happy Birthday Peach! We love you so much!!