Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mi Amiga

This is my dear friend, Veronica Hekkema. We were blessed to have her spend a few days with us in October before she headed home to Argentina. She brought with her, her "adopted American" Mom, Joanna. We have now adopted Joanna as our very own. She is such a sweetie. What a fun time we had shopping in Michigan City, eating at the Essenhaus, and just laughing til our bellies hurt. Vero is a missionary, now to the Dominican Republic, but previously in Costa Rica where we met in 2005. Ring, Ring...I am calling you!


Joanna said...

How blessed I was to get to know your wonderful family Tammy & Greg. I truly feel like I'm a part of your family and am so thankful that you and Veronica are such dear friends!! God is so amazing isn't He!!! You all are so very precious to me and are loved and missed dearly!! How I miss your jokes, laughter and tender hearted love!!

Natalie said...

Welcome to the blogging world, we are glad you are here:)

Lee and Becca said...

hello blogger...we added you to our link!! be ready for some heavy traffic :)