Thursday, July 31, 2008

Little Mohawk Boy

It seems like everytime I give Jonny a haircut, he has been after me to give him a mohawk. I did indulge him for about 5 minutes. I told him he looked pretty good with it, then I shaved it off. He was good with it, since we took some pictures.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strep throat

Hope was comforted by her pooch, Abby, when she came down with strep throat on July 13. Unfortunately Hope passed the sickness on to her dear friend Savannah when they had an overniter after the Baseball party. A little amoxicillin and she was as good as new within 24 hours.

Saying goodbye

Our family said goodbye to Greg's mom and her husband this week. They are moving to

the beautiful state of Arizona. After finishing up with packing the truck up, we all went out for a final treat at McDonalds. We'll miss them!

July 19, 2008

We are big ice cream eatters! This is a snapshot of Jon & Hope at Flavor Freeze. We were just getting ready to try out some cookies-n-cream, chocolate chip cookie dough, and mint chip. They looked much messier after the fact. But still, oh so adorable!

July 15, 2008

Greg's stepsister, Megan & her husband Aaron, were home for a few days this past week. Aaron is the youth pastor at a church in Vincennes. We were able to get together and have a fun evening of dessert, and rides for the kids on the John Deere with Uncle Lee. Hope enjoys giving her brother rides on the 3-wheeler.

Friday, July 11, 2008

We went to a Baseball party for Hope's baseball team. Check out the water slide these guys had! They had a blast on it! There was also a pond for them to swim in, great food to eat, and just a whole lotta fun. Mrs. Brown braved the big trike with her son Mattox and a baby on the way! A big thank you for the King & Snider families for throwing this big bash for the team!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Jonny's Big Day

The 4th was also filled with excitement for Jonny! He rode for the first time, his bike with no training wheels! He took right off and did excellent! Greg is such a great teacher by pushing them off in the soft grass just in case they don't succeed! But PTL both of our kids have not had a wipe out yet! Great job Jonny!

Silver Beach

We are Beach Lovers! We went to Silver Beach which is in St. Joseph, Michigan (about an hour away). We build sand castles, swim, tan, and read but mostly just relax and have fun. It was a busy holiday weekend and we loved it!

Black Squirrel Happenings!

On July 6th, we hung out at the Black Squirrel Golf Course in Goshen, with some friends! They had a great firework display and a patriotic concert! We played games, talked, and just enjoyed being with each other. We are so thankful the Lord has given us so many great friends that absolutely love the Lord.

July 4th

On the 4the we went over to our friends the Mooreheads. The kids had a ball riding dirt bikes, a four wheeler, and horses. Hope was in absolute heaven. She loves horses and got to ride a sweet pony by the name of Cherokee. We watched fireworks and the kids lit off alot of their own. What a way to celebrate our great country's independence! Great Food, Friends and Fireworks!

Potawatomi Zoo

We went to the Potawatomi Zoo last week with our dear friends the Scotts. Lora and I toted her three and my two all over the park. We about died of heat stroke in their ever-so-neat new butterfly house. It had to be about 120 in there. The kids loved all the butterflies that landed on their fingers. This is the zoo's new addition, an anteater, named Cornball. He is the most odd animal. We had a nice picnic afterwards. It is so great to see the Lord's fantastic creation with such special friends.

Say cheese!

I am so blessed! These three are the loves of my life!

Happy 39th Birthday Greg!!

By sweet husband turned 39 on June 29th!
He got a cherry cake with the number 35 and four extra candles. (We had to rig it up) I am so thankful for such a fantastic husband. He never ceases to amaze me. He looks so young! Happy Birthday, Sweetie! We sure love you!

June 27, 2008_ Baseball Champions!

Hope's baseball team won the championship game on June 27! They whole team did great. It was a tough week. Her team had a game every night of the week. They won every game and played the championship game on Friday. They received trophies and Hope received an award for most improved player. We are so proud of her. Great job orange!!