Monday, July 7, 2008

Jonny's Big Day

The 4th was also filled with excitement for Jonny! He rode for the first time, his bike with no training wheels! He took right off and did excellent! Greg is such a great teacher by pushing them off in the soft grass just in case they don't succeed! But PTL both of our kids have not had a wipe out yet! Great job Jonny!


Lee and Becca said...

So glad to see some new posts! The bike video was super exciting. Hopefully we'll see you guys next week when Megan is in town? If not I'm sure at the fair!
love ya.

Adrienne said...

Looks like you guys are having a fun summer....fireworks, the beach, bikerides, etc. Summer is great!!! Love, Ade

Kelly said...

Way to go Jonny!! Make your daddy run a little faster next time!! He needs the exercise - Scott