Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween October 31, 2008

We take our kids to visit family's houses on Halloween. Our kids know that Halloween can be used in a negative way but we chose to use it for good. They have to dress up as something good. Hope chose to be a sweet little Amish girl this year. We have Amish friends that own a store and they helped us out with getting all the things needed to make her dress. Jon was a nice Batman. He is keeping with the super-hero theme. We have covered Superman, Spiderman, and now Batman. Who knows what next year will be! I am hoping that the "Incredibles" will make an appearance in the whole family but that has been too many years on the back burner.

1 comment:

Candy said...

Tammy, How sweet. We don't let our kids be anything bad either. Simone is fascinated with firefighters and this was her SECOND year being a firefighter (saved having to get/make a new costume). She got to go through kids fire safety class at the fair and went to the firestation twice in the last 2 school years.
Hope you are well. Your kids are adorable.
Candy Muhme