Monday, May 4, 2009

My 3 little ones

These are 3 of the 5 loves of my life. I marvel at them daily. You know how you just stare at something that you see everyday and discover something new without trying? That's what I do with Jon, Hope & Abby. Jonny is full of active energy. It beams out his constantly moving eyes! He has two speeds...on & off. He is always learning and almost always smiling or laughing. Hope radiates warmth and compassion. She is so tender and caring. Her heart is her eyes. She sees with such a great level of love. Abby is ever-forgiving, constantly listening and always wagging her tail. My other 2 loves are of course my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My other love is my best friend, and hubby Greg. He keeps me laughing and constantly on my toes!

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