Saturday, January 16, 2010

1/14/2010~~Happy 10th Birthday Hope!!

I can hardly believe it! Hope Elizabeth turned 10 years old! She is such a blessing to our family. She celebrated her special day with a day off of school, lunch out, and a "Walton's" marathon of season 2, at home with her family. We had a special candlelight dinner and a white cake with chocolate frosting!! There are so many things that I treasure about Hope. Every year I am reminded of how God gave us "Hope" after we lost "Faith". She is truly a reflection of His love and mercy to us. I treasure the way she can make a room light up with her beautiful smile, her gentle honesty, her thoughtfulness of others' feelings, her tender heart~ especially towards animals and the way she encourages me in my walk with the Lord. For being only 10 years old, she has a profound way of being very insightful. In my book, she is way beyond her years with her passion for the lost, the poor, and the orphaned. I am so proud of her. She is my little ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, my little, big bucket of water in a desert, my sweet little peach.
Hope~we love you so much! You are truly a gift from God! We are so blessed to call you "Hopie". You enrich our lives, touch our hearts, and keep us smiling! I pray that you will continue to walk with the Lord Jesus all the days of your life. Your "hope" is found only in Him. We treasure you and count it a pure privilege to be your family! Happy Birthday Peach!! We love you!

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