Thursday, August 12, 2010


Well, here she is!! Frankie, the pet turtle who has been living with us for about 3 weeks now. She is a Map Turtle brought from a lake in Michigan. Jonny has wanted a turtle for what seems like an eternity. We thought it was a faze and he would shrug it off, but no. It persisted for over a year maybe even two. We didn't think he would take care of a pet of his own so we waited it out. Finally, we caved! Jonny now has his very own pet turtle. He takes wonderful care of her. Yes, we are sure it is a her even though she has an androgynous name. She has a slight handicap. Her one eye is damaged along with a foot and claw but she is a cutie! Cutie as turtles go. She has a nice aquarium with all the turtle stuff she needs, in Jonny's room. She just moved in this week. She was previously living in a rubber tote on the deck. But thanks to the generosity of a friend, she has a nice glass aquarium with a filter and light and rocks and yada, yada, yada. She likes to be hand fed by only Jonny. And he loves her deeply. I'm sure better pictures will follow.

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