Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday Jonathan~Dec. 3, 2010

It is so hard to believe that our little man is 8 years old. We celebrated his special day with "O" spending the weekend with us. Owen is his best buddy. They played nerf swords, worked for hours on a new lego set, played at the creek, watched a movie and ate cake! I am amazed at how much Jon has grown in just one year. He has not only grown in stature but also in maturity. Don't get me wrong, he's still 8, but he is maturing in his walk with Jesus. He loves the Word and desires to talk about the Lord. I love how he is tender and sweet. He thinks the best in others and in almost every situation. His cup is always half-full and not half-empty. He tries to be so positive and upbeat. He lives and plays hard, laughs so often and loves much. He brightens my day with his dimples and big brown eyes. I love you Jonny! You are truly our gift from God and we are so thankful for you! Happy 8th Birthday!!

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