Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Blond Haired Blue Eyed kids!

These two are my other kids!! This is Alexa & Austin. I watch these adorable little ones every week for Greg's cousin, Heather (she is also my dear friend). They have captured my heart and Hope & Jonny's. We have a great time together on Tuesdays!


Candy said...

Candy Muhme here.....found your blog through a pattern of looking through people's links.
How are you? Glad to see that you seem to be well. The manicures and pedicures looked fun.
Keep up the good work with homeschooling....last time I talked with you (this would have been awhile) you were just looking into homeschool curriculum. Take care.....I'll peek in on your blog from time to time if that is okay.

Lee and Becca said...

That big picture of the family up top is SOOOOO good.
Hope all is well.