Friday, August 22, 2008

A trip to the Ft. Wayne Zoo

My dear friend Lora Scott and I decided to take the kids to the Ft. Wayne Zoo one day. It was kind of our kick off to a new school year. Her little Kendall had heard enough of the other kids talking and we looked back and there he was plugging his ears!!! The kids loved the pony & horse rides. Jonny was afraid if I said "Yah" his little pony would dart!! Hope is an old pro when it comes to horses (or so she thinks).

Here they are being hatched. We always thought they were a little "different", but couldn't put our finger on the reason why. Here is Jonny in the dog house. It was very fitting for him!! He's my little cutie!! We had alot of fun and I think the kids were tuckered out.

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