Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Dominican Republic September 20-27

Wow! What in the world can I say about this trip. We had a phenomenal time. The Lord really answered prayer for us. Our group consisted of a medical/dental team and a choir/drama team. Greg is in our choir so he now sings in Spanish. The choir/drama team would sing and present the gospel to our audience while we set up for the clinics in small churches, schools, and other buildings.

Many people came to know Jesus Christ as their Savior!!!PTL!!! Greg had the priviledge of being part of leading a Voodoo Priest to the saving knowledge of Christ. Hearts and lives were radically changed for the kingdom!! Tammy assisted the dentists in pulling lots of teeth!! WE were able to meet a physical need in the Dominicans lives but more importantly spiritual rebirth happened!! We met a variety of people: Dominicans, Haitians, Americans etc. This is a picture of Greg with a guy who was trying out for the LA Dodgers. Interesting story....

It rained alot due to the tropical depression we were in the middle of . But we had a blast even with our bus stuck in the mud.

These young guys in this picture make up alot of the choir in a Dominican Church we were at. Most living with so very little but great joy in their hearts because of Jesus!

We not only did medical/dental clinics but also visited a few orphanages, gave testimonies at church services, passed out tracts in Santo Domingo, the capital of D.R.

We visited the new sports facility that is being built. Greg & I have been praying for 3 years about joining up with SCORE international as missionaries to help build and maintain this sports facility. Pray with us, as we get our applications in and start the possible process of becoming missionaries to the Domincan Republic. We are very excited to see what the Lord has in store for our family of four.

My one request was to see a tarantula. A dead one! Right outside our SCORE hotel, they killed this guy by the pool. They said he was just a little one, but he looked BIG to me. I wish I could share all 230 pictures that Greg & I took. But at least you have a little picture of where we were and what we experienced.
Please, pray for us and the kids as we diligently seek God's will for our lives, whether it be serving our Savior here in the United States or in the Dominican Republic. We desire to do His will (sharing Christ and seeing Him change lives) wherever that may be.

1 comment:

Lee and Becca said...

Tammy it was good to see you guys even if only for a minute on Sunday. I love seeing pictures on the blog. God definitely has placed a passion in your hearts for the D.R. it can be seen in the way you guys light up talking about it. How neat if you would be lead to go there and minister.