Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day~Biking thru South Bend

On Memorial Day we went biking from the YMCA by IUSB to Notre Dame along the St. Joe River. We biked with our friends Joe, Jenny & Dominic and also our new friend Essay. We all had packed a picnic and we ate on the campus of Notre Dame, peeked into the Bascilla, looked around a bit marveling at the beautiful day we had. We then biked back along the East Race to the Y. Our bike ride was topped off by a cookout at the Gastaldi's with more friends and family and a royal game of Crochet. (Who knows if that is spelled right or not!) Who says Crochet can't be competative! We were paired off into 5 teams of 2. The Red team( Jimmy Jones & I) were crowned the winners with the blue team (Kimlee Jones & Greg) coming in a close second place. It was a great time of laughter as always!

Birthday Party Bowling~May 23

Our neighbor, Brandon, turned 7 years old and invited both Hope & Jon to his birthday party on Saturday. There was 10 kids in all, bowling at a local bowling alley. They all had a ball! Literally!

He is ready to drive

I went out into the garage to take the kids to a birthday party on Saturday and this is who was ready to drive us to the bowling alley. I don't believe he has a license but he does have the safety glasses and dishwashing gloves. What a darling smile!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 20~ Our 15th Anniversary

Greg surprised me with a romantic getaway at the Blue Heron Guest House on Winona Lake. It was beautiful! We have imagined our 15th Anniversary being celebrated in the Caribbean but we will opt for another year. We did eat at a great Caribbean Resturant "Noa Noa". We enjoyed the beauty of the lake and all the birds. Our room was very European and elegant! We spent the next day walking in the Village of Winona and browsing the shops. It was so nice to just sit and talk and pray about our lives together. We are so intensely blessed to have each other! I am hopelessly in love with this fantastic man that my Savior has enriched my life with. Can't imagine all the wonders that the Lord will do in and thru our marriage in the next 15 years! My love~I love you with all my heart!

Jon's 1st lost tooth

Jonny lost his first tooth right before a baseball game this last week. It was hanging there horizontal so with a little help from his Dad, it got yanked out. He looks a little older and his voice sounds a little lisp-ish but gee he is adorable!

Rock Solid~May 17

Both the kids sang in our church's childrens musical. It was alot of fun for both of them. They are in different choirs due to their ages. Hope also participated in a STOMP band. She also had a solo in one of the songs the choir say.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Jon is playing his first year of Pee Wee baseball. He is on Richmond's Feed Service which is coached by 3 of Greg's cousins. They do an amazing job with these boys & girls. Jon had 2 base hits! His team won 14 to 5 at their first game on Tuesday night.

Bike Ride May 10

On Mother's Day, we loaded up the bikes and went for a ride near Shanklin Park in Goshen. It was a beautiful day before the rain hit. We finished up right as the raindrops started appearing. It is so nice to enjoy the beauty of creation together as a family and everyone riding their own bike without training wheels!!!

Mowing the Yard

Yes, Hope is now old enough to mow the yard. She has been asking and asking for some time now, stating very adamantly that she is big enough. Saturday, it was time to teach her how to do it. She mowed the whole backyard! It took over an hour but she did it. And boy was she proud! Her little legs are still aching but she is not complaining!

Mother/Daughter Banquet

My sister, Gay's, church has a mother daughter banquet every year. We had a nice lunch on the 9th of May and a speaker. We were challenged to pattern our lives after Christ. In the picture is: Me, Mom, Jody, Kayla with Aiden, Hope, Gay, Kaitie and Jamie. Ephesians 4:1-2 "Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love."

May 7- Hope's Piano Recital

Hope had her first piano recital in Goshen. Her piano instructor teaches 40-50 students in either piano, violin or the guitar. They all did a superb job playing in a very beautiful, old ballroom. Hope is playing "Standing in the Need of Prayer". Way to go Hope!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Proverbs 31:30

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."

Monday, May 4, 2009

My 3 little ones

These are 3 of the 5 loves of my life. I marvel at them daily. You know how you just stare at something that you see everyday and discover something new without trying? That's what I do with Jon, Hope & Abby. Jonny is full of active energy. It beams out his constantly moving eyes! He has two speeds...on & off. He is always learning and almost always smiling or laughing. Hope radiates warmth and compassion. She is so tender and caring. Her heart is her eyes. She sees with such a great level of love. Abby is ever-forgiving, constantly listening and always wagging her tail. My other 2 loves are of course my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My other love is my best friend, and hubby Greg. He keeps me laughing and constantly on my toes!