Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Toadus Croakus the 3rd

Yes, you guessed it! We now have a pet Toad compliments of Hope. She found it in Meme & Poppy's window well and thought she had to rescue it. It does live outside in our window well. Toadus obviously had to come into my kitchen for the photo op. I, being unaware of this, have since banished him to be completely outdoors never to frequent my african violet again. Hope introduced Toadus to our dog, Abby. She was not impressed by him nor did she mind his presence upon her head. That picture is being sent to the "Ranger Rick" magazine. Hope thinks it should be published! Rightfully so! What dog in their right mind would grace the presence of a toad on their head. She just stood there! Like...take the picture already!
Toadus does not croak, and was found on the 3rd of June, hence the name of our noble toad!

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