Friday, August 28, 2009

The Guy's Project

Greg & Jonny did a little woodworking project together. They got this little school bus kit at Lowes. We heard hammering and laughing in the garage and before we knew it, they were finished with their masterpiece. I see a future "carpenter apprentice" in the making!

August 20~Happy 70th Birthday Dad

My Dad turned 70 years young on the 20th. We celebrated the evening with dinner at the Das Dutchmen Essenhaus! The food was delicious (as always) and then we topped it off with a nice, big, piece of homemade pie!! Yum, yum! My mouth is watering just remembering it! We took a drive thru the country and then we posed for a little self-timer picture on the back deck. Dad, we wish you many more healthy years. You are a wonderful Dad & Poppy! We love you with all of our hearts and we are so blessed to have you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our Uninvited Guest

We were very surprised to look outside and find in our driveway a very LARGE turtle. He was bleeding on our driveway. He had a slightly injured tail but seemed like he was just looking for water. Greg put on some work gloves and heisted this 40 pounder into the back of his truck. This turtle was not very happy about being touched by a person and snapped and thrashed about! We drove him to a little creek down the road. With a little bit of a fight, Greg grabbed him and tossed him into a much more suitable home! Thanks for the little visit!

Genesis 9:13-16

"I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth. It shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud, and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the cloud, then I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth."

Sounds of Summer~August 14, 2009

We are blessed to have so much musical talent within our church. As an outreach to the Elkhart Community our church held a concert at McNaughton Park. It was simply a way to get into the community and make "Bridges to Elkhart". They sang and played all different genres of music. We had a great time worshipping and enjoying all the music of the evening! Thanks Pastor Chris, you guys did a fabulous job!!

Our Mall Adventure

Ok, we are one of those strange families that never go to the mall. I'm talking two times a year, tops! I had to travel over to a homeschool display in South Bend so I thought, "Let's make it a day in the area." We went to the mall and looked around. My kids know that unless we are in need of something, we aren't buying anything. They did get a treat by riding on these little rides in the center of the mall. Hope has always said she wants to ride a bull. Needless to say she was a bit disappointed in how slow and lifeless this guy was. Jonny likes jet skis but this one wasn't exactly what he was hoping for. They both were thrilled to spend the day looking around and having a few little treats since Meme did go along with us.

August 10, 2009

The kids took a friend each with Greg & Meme & Poppy to a South Bend Silverhawks baseball game. They had a great time with it being $1 night, loaded up with hot dogs and snacks. They watched a pretty good game!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August Visitors

President Obama visited Wakarusa today. Although I have a great respect for him due to his positon, President of our fine country, I wasn't overly excited that he was here for a quick visit. These little guys were a bonus for our family this week. Their visit cost me nothing as a taxpayer and they didn't need a big motorcade. They were a delight to marvel at and didn't leave me wondering. They just left me marveling at God's handiwork.This raccoon we spotted on the way home from a wedding on Friday night. He was first spotted with his head stuck in the opening. This beautiful Luna Moth was outside on our back deck. I had not seen one like this or this large, before. It was so pretty. Greg was brave and put it on his hand to show the kids. And last but certainly not least is my very own in-house hummingbird. He is not in my house but he is our little resident to our hummingbird feeder. He frequents it daily, stays for a good, long drink and chases his friends when they come for a sip.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Paddle ball

This is one of the cutest things you can do with one of the red rubber balls that are attached to a paddle. You slice it and place it on a two year old's nose and tell her to smile for the camera. I think I see a future career as a clown!

Lamentations 3:22-23

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

Potted Plants on the Deck

I did not put out my own garden this year but I did have two plants potted on the back deck. We are enjoying the tomatoes and green peppers! They are yummy!

Summer Canning

We canned green beans from my Dad & Mom's garden this week. Jonny & Hope were in on it also. They snapped and cleaned while Mom & Dad & I canned. Jonny is like his Mom in the sense that when we snap beans a few go right into our mouths. We like 'em raw!


The kids and I went to the Rodeo at the fair with Meme & Poppy. It was a good one! The kids love to watch the bull riders, the barrel races, the cowboys and the clown!

James 3:17-18

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."

July 17-24 Elkhart County 4H Fair

As with every year, we went to the fair on tractor pull day. Our family went out to watch and support Greg's family in the farm stock tractor pull. Our kids will last 1-2 hours and then they are ready to get out of the grandstand and walk around, ride the rides, watch a seal lion show, eat fair food, see their cousin's calves, eat fair food, look at the animals, eat fair food, see all the 4H exhibits, eat more food and then of course go home. It makes for a long day but a great family day for us. We always look forward to our one day at the fair as a family and of course the fair food.

Our little golfer

Hope has been given a few golf lessons by our dear friend, Tom Firestone. Tom is a fantastic golfer with a grown son that is a pro golfer in Fort Wayne. Hope really enjoys golf and is pretty darn good for a nine year old. We are hoping she continues it so she and her Daddy can play together. I am seriously thinking about taking up the sport myself. Jonathan plays. Greg plays. Hope plays. All logic says...Mom plays. We will see on that one but in the mean time Hope will keep on getting lessons as long as Mr. Firestone so graciously continues giving them to her.