Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August Visitors

President Obama visited Wakarusa today. Although I have a great respect for him due to his positon, President of our fine country, I wasn't overly excited that he was here for a quick visit. These little guys were a bonus for our family this week. Their visit cost me nothing as a taxpayer and they didn't need a big motorcade. They were a delight to marvel at and didn't leave me wondering. They just left me marveling at God's handiwork.This raccoon we spotted on the way home from a wedding on Friday night. He was first spotted with his head stuck in the opening. This beautiful Luna Moth was outside on our back deck. I had not seen one like this or this large, before. It was so pretty. Greg was brave and put it on his hand to show the kids. And last but certainly not least is my very own in-house hummingbird. He is not in my house but he is our little resident to our hummingbird feeder. He frequents it daily, stays for a good, long drink and chases his friends when they come for a sip.

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