Thursday, October 15, 2009

Applesauce galore

On the 7th, I got together with 2 of my highly domesticated friends. We had 4 bushels of apples that needed to be turned into applesauce. For any of you that have a Kitchenaid mixer, the food grinder and fruit & vegetable strainer attachments, are a sheer must -have!! It made making applesauce so easy and quick. All we had to do was wash our apples, quarter them, cook them and put them thru the attachment and applesauce comes out one end, the seeds and skins come out the other. We had two of these babies going and we flew thru the sauce making!! These attachments are indeed on my Christmas list this year!! Of course, I forgot to get a picture of the finished product but if my memory serves me correctly.....we finished the day with about 70 quarts of applesauce. Despite the fact that we had a houseful of kids running around and helping, not bad at all for a couple hours work.

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