Saturday, May 22, 2010

Projects with Dad

My Mom & Dad picked up these little "Catapult" projects from Lowes with the kids. They brought them home and thought it would be fun to put together with Daddy. The master carpenter in this house had no problems showing the kids how to assemble and hammer these little jobbies! They love making stuff with Dad. They will have another project to do next weekend which they are anxious for!

May 20th~Our 16th Anniversary!

Where has the time gone! It is hard to believe Greg & I celebrated our 16th Anniversay! I love these flowers Greg gave me.The colors are so bright and cheery! We were treated to a night at the Hyatt (thanks to points on our credit card), dinner at our favorite Chinese resturant, a movie (which we never do!!), and a fantastic trip to "Indulgence" where I had this delicious Chocolate mousse. Greg said his Lemon Meringue was fantastic! Quite the treat for us! We are praising the Lord for His graciousness to us and the way He has blessed our marriage! I am so thankful for a husband who desperately loves the Lord Jesus and loves me. I love growing older with this man! He's my very best friend, biggest encourager, and love of my life. And he keeps me laughing! I love you, Greg, forever and always!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

40/40 Power~The kids' musical at church

The kids' sang in our church's spring kids musical called "40/40 Power". Hope sang a solo in one of the songs and played the character of "Beta Believe" in the drama. Jonny sang with his choir a couple of cute songs. Sorry for the blurriness. My camera didn't want to cooperate.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

~The Hole in Our Gospel~

I just finished what I would say was the most life altering book of my life other than my Bible. I would super-highly recommend this book to anyone who wants their world turned upside down! Seriously, don't read it if you want to live just the way you have been. Greg's cousin recommended this book to me and warned me of its effect. Boy, he was right! It will make you examine the way we, as so called Christians, live and what God truly expects of us. Read it only if you want it to change your thinking and your life as you know it.
"Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God."- prayer by Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision and now my prayer.

Baseball in full swing!!

Yes, that number 12, is Jonathan! Baseball season has begun! Jonathan's team is Richmond's Feed Service. They won their first game last night! We are so proud of our little guy. He is really developing into a good ball player! He is playing 2nd base and had some great hits!!


Our nephew Jacob came home from a year at Appalachian Bible College. He was home for just a few short days before heading out West on a wheat harvest for several months. While he was home we were able to celebrate as a family, his 19th birthday. Happy Birthday Jake!!

"Actions Speak Louder Than Words"~May 7, 2010

Hope played the role of "Nellie" in a production entitled "Actions Speak Louder Than Words". This was a play that was put on by her homeschooling History Co-op group, lead by my dear friend Kathy. The girls did a fantastic job in memorizing their lines, acting their parts, and having a great time doing it. It was alot of hard work for all involved and it was spectacular! The story was based on the "Samantha" books by American Girl. The girls performed at our church following a carry-in dinner for their families.