Sunday, July 18, 2010

June 2010

June was filled with lots of fun stuff. The kids and I picked strawberries with a friend and her boys. It is kind of our annual thing to do. I worked out well because the next day my sister & I were throwing a 50th Wedding Anniversary party for my parents. Guess what we needed....strawberries! We picked quite a bunch! We had an Open House to celebrate their 50 years of marriage. Lots of family and friends stopped in to honor them. My parents renewed their vows the night before the Open House. They had their Matron of Honor & Best man stand up with them again. My nieces sang together at the ceremony. Hope sang a solo and a friend of Mom & Dad's flew in from Florida to surprise them and to sing also. Jonny had the job of handing out programs to everyone that came. That evening we had nearly 70 people for dinner at an Amish home. Wonderful food! If that wasn't enough, we had the Open House the next day with more food!!!

In the midst of all that, we were buying my parents house and moving them. I think we nearly
died from exhaustion! But it was a great time. I am truly blessed with wonderful parents who have taken their wedding vows very seriously and they have set a great example of faithfulness and commitment in marriage. May the Lord bless them with many more wonderful years together!!

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