Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Our Random Kids

One of the greatest things for me in homeschooling is the fact that our two kids are the best of friends. Yes, they do annoy each other and on occasion they do fight. But for the most part, they are always coming up with some form of entertainment together. They build forts together, play all sorts of crazy things, sumo wrestle and miss the other when they are gone overnight somewhere. Jonathan is a very protective yet tender brother. He cares very deeply for his sister. His sensitivily goes very deep, like his Daddy. When Hope's feelings are hurt, his are hurt. Hope is a very nurturing sister. She definately knows how to be a "Mother" to Jon. She looks after him and tries to lovingly correct him. She wants what is best for him. She is extremely affectionate, something she does get from her Mommy. But most importantly they both are growing in love and servanthood toward one another.
John 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you."


Anonymous said...

Lol, i miss these kids

Hope E said...

I don't think I know that girl do I? Love you mom