Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chicago December 20-22

We spent a few days in downtown Chicago over my birthday. We met up with my dear, dear friend Veronica. Veronica was in the U.S and we needed to get together and do some planning. You see, Vero, is getting married in April and Hope & I are in the wedding. We needed to shop for dresses and catch up. We hit the jackpot and found some beautiful bridesmaid dresses. Vero had already bought Hope's and we wanted to make sure it was going to fit before we traveled for the wedding! The wedding will be in Costa Rica, where she lives and serves as a missionary. This picture is of us and her adopted mama, Joanna. We are so excited for her and her fiancee, Salvador. Hope is especially anxious to travel to her first foreign country. I am excited to share this with her and to be a part of this exciting time for Veronica! She is so very dear to my heart. She is truly like my sister.

It was absolutely freezing in Chicago! The wind chill was -20 degrees. We braved walking the Magnificent Mile. We had to visit the American Girl store for Hope and get her doll's ears pierced to match hers! We visited the Lego Store, Macy's, Disney Store, ate at the Rainforest Cafe, and tried to stay warm. We spent time doing what our kids love...swimming in the indoor pool at the Hotel! We watched some movies and just relaxed! Greg still wasn't feeling the greatest so it was nice to just hang out together. Our month has been so busy and it isn't even Christmas yet! We praise the Lord for strength and energy and most definately for warmth!!

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