Saturday, January 17, 2009

Merry Christmas Soldier!

Our church put on a big Christmas production this year for three nights, entitled, "Merry Christmas Soldier". Greg & I and both kids were blessed to be involved in it. Greg played the main role of a Soldier serving in Iraq. The kids and I were his family, stateside. We both were celebrating Christmas apart from each other. While in Iraq, Greg's character heard the simple salvation message of Jesus Christ from his Chaplain. In response to the message he confesses his sin and receives Jesus as his personal Savior. It was such a priviledge for our family to be involved in such a great production. We praise the Lord for the many lives that were changed for the Kingdom of God due to the message presented. Our orchestra and choir did a fantastic job!! We are so blessed to have so many talented people within our church using their gifts and talents for God's glory!!

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