Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Jonny~December 3!

I can hardly believe that my little man is 7 years old!! Where has the time gone! Jon celebrated his birthday by having the day off of school. Yes, that is an advantage of homeschooling. Both of my kids know that when it is their birthday, they get the day off to have a little fun. He was so thrilled with the Colts uniform that he received. You would have thought that we gave him the world. My Mom & Dad bought him the Light saber. He was also tickled pink, with that. He is easy to please, very considerate of others, willing to help. I love the way at seven years old, he loves his Savior! His heart is soft to the things of Christ. It is my prayer, that as he grows and matures, that his heart will stay fixed upon Him and he will be steadfast. Happy Birthday Jonathan! God has great things for you and to do thru you! We are so blessed to have you. I love you so much!

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