Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Time to Reflect

In my opinion, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year besides Easter. As the Christmas season approaches, I've been thinking. What a profound thing that is, for me to be thinking!! This year has in many senses, been an amazingly difficult for our little family of four. We have wrestled with health issues, lack of work thus lack of money, stress, heartache and the loud silence of God in the direction of our future. I look back and see the absolute faithfulness of the Lord. He has always met all of our needs (needs not wants), binded up our broken spirits, and although He is still quite silent on the direction of our future, He is not silent on the past or the present. He was and is the Savior of our souls from the penalty of sin. He was and is the Rock and Refuge in whom we trust. He was and is our Strength and our Shield. He was and is our Portion. He was and is our Comforter. He was and is our Healer. He was and is our Deliverer. He was and is. So as this Christmas approaches, I am mindful...very mindful that He is all that He says He was and is and is to come.

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